Tired of playing complicated Yahtzee with too many options ?? This simple but exciting game would drive you crazy with its dicey options!!FEATURES:- Very Simple interface - Up to four players game- Options for silent as well as Dice roll sound option- Guidance available for selection of categories options in form of suitable colour turning green.RULES:-There are five dice and one to four players.- A round of the game consists of each player taking a turn.- On each turn, a player rolls the five dice with the hope of getting them into a configuration that corresponds to one of 13 categories .- If the first roll doesn’t get there, the player may choose to roll any or all of the dice again.- If the second roll is still unsuccessful, the player may roll any or all of the dice once more.- By the end of the third roll, however, the player must assign the final dice configuration to one of the thirteen categories on the scorecard.- If the dice configuration meets the criteria for that category, the player receives the appropriate score for that category; otherwise the score for that category is 0.- Since there are thirteen categories and each category is used exactly once, a game consists of thirteen rounds. After the thirteenth round, all players will have received scores for all categories.- The player with the total highest score is declared the winnerDICE CATEGORIES-: 1. Ones. Any dice configuration is valid for this category. The score is equal to the sum of all of the 1’s showing on the dice, which is 0 if there are no 1’s showing.- 2–6. Twos, Threes, Fours, Fives, and Sixes. (same as above but for different values). Any dice configuration is valid for these categories. The score is equal to the sum of the 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and so on, showing on the dice.- 7. Three of a Kind. At least three of the dice must show the same value. The score is equal to the sum of all of the values showing on the dice. -8. Four of a Kind. At least four of the dice must show the same value. The score is equal to the sum of all of the values showing on the dice.- 9. Full House. The dice must show three of one value and two of another value. The score is 25 points. -10. Small Straight. The dice must contain at least four consecutive values, such as the sequence 2-3-4-5. The score is 30 points. -11. Large Straight. The dice must contain five consecutive values, such as the sequence 1-2-3-4-5. The score is 40 points. -12. Yahtzee! All of the dice must show the same value.. The score is 50 points.- 13. Chance. Any dice configuration is valid for this category. The score is equal to the sum of all of the values showing on the dice